Aero, Thermal, Fluid and Energy Laboratory

Selected Journal Publications
Pressure-sensitive paint measurements on the cav ity w ith passive control devices under transonic flow,Journal of Mechanics , 2023, 39 , 280–291
Condensations on electrowetting surfaces: An electrostatic liquid conveyor from dropwise-filmwise competition, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 213 (2023), 124280.
Thermal-hydraulic-dynamic investigation of an inverted self-fluttering vortex generator, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 197, 15 November 2022, 123374.
Distinct Condensation Droplet Distribution Patterns under Low- and High-Frequency Electrowetting-on-Dielectric (EWOD) Effect, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 196, 1 November 2022, 123269.
Capillary transfer: Numerical study of How Topology Affects the Fluid Flow Rate into a Planar Microstructure with Pseudopotential Multiphase Lattice-Boltzmann Method, Phys. Fluids 33, 102102, July 2021.
Activating Bubble’s Escape, Coalescence, and Departure under Electric Field Effect, Langmuir, 36 (51):15558-15571, December 29, 2020
Inverted structurally inhomogeneous stepped agitators in a channel flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 159, October 2020, 120094.
Enhancement of heat transfer by out-of-phase self-vibration through fluid structure interaction, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol. 27, 2020.
Condensation Droplet Distribution Regulated by Electrowetting, Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 141, 111501, November 2019.
Time-resolved PIV Measurement and Thermal-hydraulic Performance Evaluation of Thin Film Self-Agitators in a Rectangular Channel Flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 137, July 2019, Pages 922-939
A Novel Caudal-Fin-Inspired Hourglass-Shaped Self-Agitator for Air-Side Heat Transfer Enhancement in Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 187, May 2019, Pages 297-315.
Vortex Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Longitudinal Vortex Generators in a Rectangular Channel, Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 132, January 2019, Pages 871-885.
Enhanced Flow Boiling in Silicon Nanowire-Coated Manifold Microchannels, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 148, February 2019, Pages 1043-1057.
Enhanced Water Capture Induced With Electrowetting-On-Dielectric Approach, Applied Physics Letters, 113, 204101, 2018. DOI: 10.1063/1.5053703
Air-Side Heat Transfer Enhancement in Plate-fin Channel with an Airfoil-Based Self-Agitator, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 128, January 2019, Pages 715-727.
Bio-Inspired Self-Agitator for Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement, Applied Physics Letters, 113, 113501, 2018. DOI: 10.1063/1.5046502
Airfoil-Shaped Self-Agitator for Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.133, November 2018, Pages 284-298.
Towards Enhanced Bubble Detachment within a Thin Liquid Film by Electrowetting with Voltage Modulation, Physics of Fluids 30, 062102, Issue 6, June 2018.
A Flapping Vortex Generator for Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Rectangular Airside Fin, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 118, March 2018, Pages 1340-1356.
Bubble Detachment Assisted by Electrowetting-Driven Interfacial Wave, Physics of Fluids 29, 102105, Issue 10, October 2017.
Numerical Investigation of Condensation on Microstructured Surface with Wettability Patterns, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 115, December 2017, Pages 1161–1172.
Saddle Point of Attachment in Jet-Crossflow Interaction, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s00162-017-0427-z 3/15/2017.
Hybrid Atomistic-Continuum Simulation of Nanostructured Defects Induced Bubble Growth, Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 139, October 2017, DOI:10.1115/1.4036692
Coupled Natural Convection and Radiation Heat Transfer of Hybrid Solar Energy Conversion System, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 107, April 2017, Pages 468-483.
A Hybrid Atomistic-Continuum Simulation of Nucleate Boiling with Domain Re-Decomposition Method, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, Vol. 71, No. 3, March 2017, Pages 217-235.
Cooling Design and Evaluation for Photovoltaic Cells within Constrained Space in a CPV/CSP Hybrid Solar System, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 110, January 2017, Pages 369-381.
Field-Reversible Thermal Connector (RevCon) Challenges: A Review, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, July 2016
Electrowetting-on-dielectric assisted bubble detachment in a liquid film, Applied Physics Letters 108, 181601 (2016).
Atomistic-Continuum Hybrid Simulation of Heat Transfer between Argon Flow and Copper Plates, Journal of Heat Transfer, 137 (9), 091011, 2015
Flooded Two-Phase Flow Dynamics and Heat Transfer with Engineered Wettability on Microstructured Surfaces, Journal of Heat Transfer, 137 (9), 091021, 2015
An adaptive GSM-CFD solver and its application to shock-wave boundary layer interaction, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 25 Iss: 6, (2015), 1282 – 1310
Numerical study of heat transfer enhancement of channel via vortex-induced vibration, Applied Thermal Engineering, 70(1), 2014, 838–845
A comparative study of time-marching schemes for fluid structure interactions, PROCEDIA, Vol. 4, 2014, p. 170 175
Two-phase Flow over Flooded Micro-Pillar Structures with Engineered Wettability, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 71(2014), 593-605 (The Best Paper Award)
Wetting Dynamics of Multiscaled Structures, Applied Physics Letters, 103, 171601 (2013)
Adaptive Control of Shock Wave with Passively Morphing Layer for a Rotating Blade, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0000394 (Oct.24, 2013)
Experimental Study of Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Aligned Graphite Thermal Interface Materials, Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013.
Molecular Dynamic Study on Contact Angle of Water Droplet on a Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube (SWCNT) Plate, Applied Physics A: Volume 111, Issue 3 (2013), 747-754
Optofluidic Solar Concentrators Using Electrowetting Tracking: Concept, Design, and Characterization Solar Energy, Solar Energy 89, 152-161, 2013.
A moving-mesh gradient smoothing method for compressible CFD problems, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol.23, No.2, 273-305, 2013.
Condensation Heat Transfer on Two-tier Superhydrophobic Surfaces, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 131909, 2012
Electro-osmotically Actuated Hydrogel for Nastic Actuation, Plants and Mechanical Motion— A Synthetic Approach to Nastic Materials and Structures , edited by Janet Sater, and Norman M. Wereley , Chapter 4, April, 2012.
Adaptive Beam Tracking and Steering via Electrowetting-Controlled Liquid Prism, Applied Physics Letters, 99,191108, 2011.
Thermal Characteristics in a Curved Rectangular Channel with Variable Cross-sectional Area, Journal of Heat Transfer, 133, December 2011.
On the scalability of Liquid Microjet Array Impingement Cooling for Large Area Systems, Journal of Heat Transfer, June 2011.
Pressure Drop in Generating Free-surface Liquid Micro-jet Array from Short Cylindrical Orifices, Journal of Fluids Engineering, June 2011.
Growth of aligned carbon nanotubes on ALD-Al2O3 coated silicon and quartz substrates, Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, Jan, 2011.
Active Thermal Management of On-Chip Hot Spots Using EWOD-Driven Droplet Microfluidics, Experiments in Fluids, 2010.
Adaptive Chip Cooling Using Electrowetting on Coplanar Control Electrodes, Nanoscale and Microscale Thermalphysical Engineering, 14: 63-74, 2010.
Liquid Micro-jet Array Impingement Boiling on a Micro-structured Surface, International Journal of Micro-Nano Scale Transport, Volume 1, Number 4, December 2010.
Reversible Transformation of Hydrophobicity and Hydrophilicity of Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays and Buckypapers by Dry processes, Carbon, Vol.48, 868-875, 2010.
Design and Test of CNT Biwick Structure for High Heat Flux Phase Change Heat Transfer, Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.132, pp1-8, 2010.
Development of Scalable Silicon Heat Spreader for High Power Electronic Devices, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Vol. 1, Dec. 2009
Flow Characteristics in a Curved Rectangular Channel with Variable Cross-section Area, J Fluids Eng, Vol. 131, No. 9, 2009.
An Advanced Thermal Solution in Avionics System for Aerospace Vehicle, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol.44, No.2, pp439-444, 2007.
Dropwise Condensation on Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Two-Tier Roughness, Applied Physics Letters, 90, 173108, 2007.
Performance Improvement of an IGBT Inverter Module by Liquid Micro-jet Impingement Cooling, IEEE Transactions on Components & Packaging Technologies, vol. 30, No.2, June 2007.
Operating Characteristic Investigations in Pulsating Heat Pipe, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer on Boiling & Interfacial Phenomena, 2006
An Investigation of Oscillation Motions in a Miniature Pulsating Heat Pipe, Microfluids and Nanofluids, Vol. 1 pp.334-342, Springer-Verlag October 2005.
Numerical Investigation of Separated Nozzle Flows, AIAA Journal, Vol. 32, No. 9, September 1994.
Numerical Study of Juncture Flow, AIAA Journal, Vol. 30, No. 7, July 1992.
Computation of Saddle Point of Attachment, AIAA Journal, Vol. 30, No. 6, June 1992.
Multi-Zonal Navier Stokes Solutions for the Multi-body Space Shuttle Configuration, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Jan/Feb 1992.
Numerical Solutions of Forward Flight Rotor Flow Using an Upwind Method, Journal of Aircraft, June 1991.
Computation of Viscous Transonic Flow over Porous Airfoils, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 26, No. 12, December, 1989.
Euler Solution of Multi-Bladed Rotor Flow, VERTICA, Vol.12, No. 3. Oct.1988.
Trapping of a Free Vortex By Airfoils with Surface Suction, AIAA Journal, Vol. 24, No. 8, August 1986.